May 13, 2010

Kelly (Blunck) Niederhauser

It's been so fun to hear from so many of you! As for me - after high school I attended Dixie State College of Utah (maybe you've heard of it?) where, thanks to Katie Crofts, I met my future husband, Casey, who introduced me to outdoorsy stuff like rock and ice climbing and fancy stuff like graphic design and programming (all of which I never thought I'd like). We both received our bachelors degrees in Visual Technology at Dixie and then worked for a few years at SkyWest Airlines as multimedia developers. I left SkyWest in 2006 when our first daughter, Eva, was born. We had another girl, Mae, in 2008 and they are my greatest joy and greatest challenge! Casey now works as a web designer for and freelance photographer. I stay home with the girls and try to keep my brain active in various pursuits :) I joined a book club once, but the pressure to finish a book on time reminded me too much of Mrs. Jensen's 9th grade English class. We've strayed as far as Washington, UT, but thankfully working for an airline afforded us many opportunities to travel the world. So life has been good!

I appreciate everyone's excitement about getting together and hope you'll all feel comfortable to come and have a good time!

(and don't forget to email your survey answers!)

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